Our corporate quality philosophy is Right First Time, Every Time, with Zero Defects. We are committed to achieving exemplary standards of quality performance.

The project management team, under the leadership of the company director, embraces this philosophy without reservation. Our quality management system is driven by the following principles:

  • Understand client needs and requirements by working closely and collaboratively with all parties.
  • Provide leadership, guidance and clear instructions to the project participants and stakeholders, achieving continuous improvement via the methodology of plan, do, check and act.
  • Pursue, encourage and support employees to understand their own contribution to the fulfillment of this policy.
  • Adopt and encourage the “No blame” culture while preserving the need for individual responsibility.
  • Subcontractors and suppliers of the project shall be required to demonstrate a similar commitment as described in the quality management system.
  • Maintain the quality management system by continually monitoring and auditing the underlying processes.
  • Deliver a state of the art finished product to the client while respecting laws, regulations, customs and environment.

The project management team, under the leadership of the company director, has the delegated responsibility for the implementation of this policy in terms of the individual roles and responsibilities as specified within the quality management system.